I was delighted when Novoflex asked me if I would like to test the prototype of this superb head. I had the KOPF2 for a while last year. As with all Novoflex products, it’s beautifully engineered, as you would expect, and was a real joy to use in the field. Its unique design makes it the ideal choice across all photographic platforms including, landscape, architecture, and studio. I found it to be an excellent choice for macro when you need precision in framing and alignment; this is especially true when shooting high-magnification macro above 1X. This head is so smooth and precise that it makes the task much easier. Inserting a Magic Balance between the tripod base and head gives even greater versatility when composing challenging macro compositions. Below are some examples from my testing in the field. The KOPF2 is naturally designed to be compatible with other Novoflex products.


Male Variable Damselfly Coenagrion pulchellum at rest in early evening.

Green-winged Orchid Anacamptis morio in full flower.

These molluscs can be found in many crevices in rocks at low tide.

Rough Periwinkle Littorina saxatilis settled in a rock crevice.

When precise framing is important this head is the ideal choice giving you the ability to fine-tune your composition.

Ochrolechia parella A close-up of the tiny apothecia on this coastal lichen.

The KOPF 2 is superb for this type of photography when magnifications well above 1X are required.

Slime Mould Arcyria denudate A high-magnification image of this tiny slime mould.

Small Stagshorn Calocera cornea. A tiny specimen growing in a cleft in the tree trunk.